Wow, it's been a while! Sorry about that. I have been busy with appointments to get my foot feeling better and things are getting better. I have pain in my heel that has been worse and better for over 10 years, but really bad in the last few months. Anyway, that's one thing I've been working on.
This week I've been busy thinking about the big party this weekend. My birthday is next week so we always have a party over Labor Day weekend to celebrate and to celebrate our friend Pat's birthday (same as mine). He'll be 40 this year, so his wife is providing most of the food (woo hoo!) but it's at our house. We love to host parties so I'm excited about it. She wanted a Luau theme though, so she bought grass skirts. Yup, we'll see about that.
Justin has been growing up fast. Just a couple of weeks ago he learned to get from on his belly to sitting. Even now Gavin still cheers when he does it. He has also learned to push a car along like his big brother. I noticed that Gavin never did that, but he didn't have a big brother to show him how to play with cars. It's so cute because Justin is still doing a combat crawl, so he drags himself with one arm and pushes the car with the other. He's ready to push through his next 2 teeth to make 4 total. I hope these top teeth don't hurt me much ;-) Cole came in from outside the other day and checked the camera and saw that Justin was standing in his crib. Thankfully we had lowered the mattress when he started sitting, so standing was not dangerous, but it sure was exciting. It's so fun to watch him grow and learn. My heart just breaks with love each time I look at either of my boys. What a blessing.
I would like to stop working night shift, but it's the shift that works for our family--- no day care! I'd love to be a stay at home mom, but we spend too much money. I'm trying to find a way to work from home in the evenings, and still make the money I'm making now. I love selling Tastefully Simple, but I'm not forward enough to get lots of party bookings, so that's more for fun than profit. Oh well, God has a plan, I just wish I knew what it was!!! I am trying to spend more time in the Word and release my stress and worries to Him.
Hmmm, I sure had a lot to ramble about. Thanks for hanging in there with me! I've included some random pictures that are pretty recent (or even from today).