Thursday, July 17, 2008


We just got back from Justin's check up at Children's. His kidneys are growing as they should and the one that had only a minor problem is looking almost normal. The other one seems better than it was, so that's good. He'll continue on his daily dose of antibiotics to prevent any urinary tract infections (which could quickly cause kidney damage) and go back for more tests and follow up in 6-12 months. In the mean time I have little strips to check his urine with if he gets a fever and that's about it.

Sitting in the various waiting rooms and corridors at Children's certainly helps to bring things in to perspective. We were only in the outpatient/clinic area so we didn't see the real hospital stuff, but it was still a good reminder. Justin is a beautiful, healthy boy and we are so blessed to have him. Every child that we saw was happy through whatever ailed them. They are so resilient and can handle so much more than us wimpy adults, it's just amazing.

As I've typed this I've had to rescue Justin from his position under the dining room table where he has gotten stuck. Just like any other normal 9 month old, and that makes me so thankful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that his kidneys are doing well! Is he crawling now? Sophia still butt scoots. It's funny!