Friday, August 29, 2008

My other men

While I was writing the post below this one Gavin came down and mentioned that I forgot to sing Twinkle Twikle at bedtime. He likes me to sing "Rinse and Shine" and read him a book at bedtime. Then he goes through a couple of phrases he says every time. "Tell me you need water or milk. I be asleep. That's ok." and "I can come out to go potty or poopy." He used to get a little water and milk before bed so I think that's a hold over. He thought that we could talk to him through his monitor so he thought that we could let him know if we needed anything. How cute is that? Anyway, recently he has wanted me to sing "Twinkle Twinkle" and rub his back, just like a little girl's dad in an episode of Sesame Street. How could I resist? I went up there and snapped a couple of pictures before I sang to him. He's wearing his Super Man Jammies tonight. They are a hand me down and have Velcro spots on each shoulder where a cape used to attach, but we didn't get that part. I also walked in to the computer room and visited Cole while he was playing on his computer game. It's nice to sit and think about all of my men!

Busy life

Wow, it's been a while! Sorry about that. I have been busy with appointments to get my foot feeling better and things are getting better. I have pain in my heel that has been worse and better for over 10 years, but really bad in the last few months. Anyway, that's one thing I've been working on.

This week I've been busy thinking about the big party this weekend. My birthday is next week so we always have a party over Labor Day weekend to celebrate and to celebrate our friend Pat's birthday (same as mine). He'll be 40 this year, so his wife is providing most of the food (woo hoo!) but it's at our house. We love to host parties so I'm excited about it. She wanted a Luau theme though, so she bought grass skirts. Yup, we'll see about that.

Justin has been growing up fast. Just a couple of weeks ago he learned to get from on his belly to sitting. Even now Gavin still cheers when he does it. He has also learned to push a car along like his big brother. I noticed that Gavin never did that, but he didn't have a big brother to show him how to play with cars. It's so cute because Justin is still doing a combat crawl, so he drags himself with one arm and pushes the car with the other. He's ready to push through his next 2 teeth to make 4 total. I hope these top teeth don't hurt me much ;-) Cole came in from outside the other day and checked the camera and saw that Justin was standing in his crib. Thankfully we had lowered the mattress when he started sitting, so standing was not dangerous, but it sure was exciting. It's so fun to watch him grow and learn. My heart just breaks with love each time I look at either of my boys. What a blessing.

I would like to stop working night shift, but it's the shift that works for our family--- no day care! I'd love to be a stay at home mom, but we spend too much money. I'm trying to find a way to work from home in the evenings, and still make the money I'm making now. I love selling Tastefully Simple, but I'm not forward enough to get lots of party bookings, so that's more for fun than profit. Oh well, God has a plan, I just wish I knew what it was!!! I am trying to spend more time in the Word and release my stress and worries to Him.

Hmmm, I sure had a lot to ramble about. Thanks for hanging in there with me! I've included some random pictures that are pretty recent (or even from today).

Monday, August 11, 2008

Read the post below this first...

Did you read the one below yet? Read that one before this one so that the story flows...

We picked up my mom and were heading out to do a little shopping. She gave Gavin some grapes to much on in the car. It did cross my mind that if we were in a car accident, he could possibly choke but I let it go.

I was chatting away with my mom and we were just pulling in to the shopping area when I heard something that made me look. I glanced in the mirror and saw Justin throw up all over himself and the car seat. I had a couple of thoughts within a split second in this order. Hmmm, Justin wasn't acting sick at all, maybe he was car sick, and so much for that breakfast I was bragging about! Then I saw it, something green in his hands. I very calmly asked Gavin what was in Justin's hands and he very matter of factly said "A grape mom." This is what my mind said "Oh s**t, what the h**l is a f******g grape doing in his hand?" and of course I was screaming in my head. The nice level headed mom that I am said (very calmly again), "honey, why did you give Justin a grape?" and so the conversation went. I was dealing with the rush of adrenaline after realizing that Justin was choking and I didn't notice, while trying to impart to Gavin why we shouldn't give Justin grapes. I had never told him to ask me before giving Justin food, so Gavin wasn't in trouble. Now he knows though, he must ask before giving Justin ANY food.

Well, all of that wonderful food and all of those colors that he ate were everywhere. Luckily we were going to Target. It's funny though, as we were leaving the house in the morning I decided not to bring wipes because I figured I might have some in the car. Ha, no wipes! I did have a towel that we used to sop up the mess as well as we could. It was about 10am and over 70 degrees, so I knew that the yumminess would bake while we were in Target. Oh well. I brought Justin in to the store in just a diaper and bought him a cute new outfit.

When we got home I took off the new outfit because it too was nasty from sitting in the mess in the car seat. I took the car seat apart and threw the upholstery in the wash. While I was doing this, Justin was hanging out in the play yard, and taking off his diaper. It just never ends :-) All of this on a day that I have been up for 30 hours too.

I should eat so well

Justin had a very nutritious breakfast today. Of course the appetizer consisted of 2 mounds of fleshy goodness full of warm sweet milk. Then he moved on to inhale 1/2 of a nectarine mixed with a few grapes in the Magic Bullet. I stirred some rice cereal in to thicken it up a bit. When we are out of rice cereal, he'll be moving on to barley, Cole's favorite. After the fruit, he was still asking for more, so I looked back to buzz up more nectarine and Gavin had finished the other half. Justin then finished off the rest of the peas from last night and I gave him 2 baby mum mums for dessert. They are basically a repeat of the rice cereal, but he sure loves them. If we all had so many colors at our meals, we'd be much happier. He had yellow, purple and green along with some white rice. Good job buddy!